Monday, December 18, 2006

Memories of Bhagavan

He was about 30 at the time, and wonderful to behold. His eyes were blooming and clear, like lotus petals, and he shone brightly like burnished gold.

"You hands may do the work but your mind can remain still. You are that which never moves. Realize this and you will find that work is not a
strain. But as long as you think that you are the body, and that the work is done by you, you will feel your life to be an endless toil. In
fact, it is the mind that toils, not the body..."
"Why do you imagine that I am pleased only when I am full of rasam? ... Is my grace proportionate to the amount of rasam I take?"

"Unless one becomes a 6-month old baby, there
is no hope for one in the realm of Self-knowledge"

"God wants us to make a fire of our past evil deeds and burn our karma in it. ... Clearing the mind of thoughts, and remaining steady in the peace of Self: that is the only offering worthy of the
Varanasi Subhalakshmiammal

book cover

See Ramana Smriti (pdf 511kb)
Also see List of Reminiscenses

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