Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Mother surrenders to Son

In course of time she (Bhagavan's mother, Alagammal) came to understand the
Maharshi's behaviour and grasped that attachment was
not proper. She realised that she had come to the ashram
not as the Maharshi's mother but as a devotee keen on
attaining spiritual knowledge. There was only one way
by which she could win his grace and that was by service
without any desire, but with contentment and
detachment. With this realisation her old body toiled day
and night to serve the ashram inmates. Finally she donned
ochre robes, gained detachment and listened to Vedantic
matters. She surrendered herself to the Maharshi, certain
in the belief that he was her saviour.

In the last two or three months of her physical life
she was sick, hence it had become necessary for someone
to look after her. The Maharshi was her first servant. He
nursed her day and night but how long could that old and
tired body survive?

Post in homage to Bhagavan's Mother. To be continued ...
Photo of Mother's temple, copyright Sri Ramanasramam

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